Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The RIAA Spent $58 Million Suing File Sharers, Got 2% Back

The RIAA Spent  Million Suing File Sharers, Got 2% Back

How much of a failure was the RIAAs campaign of ridiculous lawsuits of file sharers? How does a measly 2% return on a $58 million investment sound? That's good business right there.

According to leaked tax forms from 2006-2008, the RIAA spent a whopping $58,258,394 on legal fees over the course of those three years, reaping $1,362,572 from accused pirates in return. Ouch.
But it was all totally worth it, luckily for them, as piracy is now dead and everyone is back to spending $18 for a CD that's half filler at their local Sam Goody. Oh, wait.

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