Monday, July 19, 2010

Windows Phone 7 In Depth: A Fresh Start

Windows Phone 7 In Depth: A Fresh Start
"What's this?" a girl at a party asked, as I handed her my phone. She touched a square, and everything flipped away. "It's Microsoft's brand new phone. Kind of like a fresh start," I explained. "Oh. It's... neat."

Japanese Subway Grows Its Own Hydroponic Lettuce

Japanese Subway Grows Its Own Hydroponic Lettuce
Imagine a Utopian future, one where not only could you score an affordable foot's length of sub from a dispensary on every street corner, but one where every said sub-dispensary actually grew their own raw ingredients.

Lockheed Martin HULC Exo-Skeleton Prepares to Smash Human Beta Tests

Lockheed Martin HULC Exo-Skeleton Prepares to Smash Human Beta Tests
The HULC exo-skeleton, Lockheed Martin's prototype heavy lifter for infantry troops in the field, has its battery and is now ready for human trials. If they're successful, field tests could be close on their heels.

Hopscotch Hero

Hopscotch Hero

It was inevitable. Everything we do will eventually be reduced to a game played with a plastic accessory that costs $149.99, and now it's the turn of hopscotch—which has been turned into an in-house art installation.

Shark Faucet Just Wants to Be Touched By Your Dirty Hands

Shark Faucet Just Wants to Be Touched By Your Dirty Hands
Lately there's been no shortage of sleek, designer faucets here at Gizmodo, and today is no exception. Called the Shark, this touchscreen faucet won't devour your hands, but it will be touched by them.

Prototype Vehicle Warning Seat System Vibrates When Danger Is Near

Prototype Vehicle Warning Seat System Vibrates When Danger Is Near
Is my ass vibrating again or am I about to run headlong into a Mack truck? Well, if a prototype out of the Yale School of Engineering comes to pass, in my hypothetical future both could be true! Wild ride!

Motorola mini Droid slider caught by Mr. Blurrycam

Okay, this one's a complete and very welcome surprise -- some extremely blurry pictures and a quick video of what appears to be a smaller Motorola portrait QWERTY Android slider for Verizon just popped up on the Chinese Hiapk forums -- and yes, it's got the glowing red Droid eye.

Sharp keeps going with the Sidekick look, intros FX for AT&T

Sharp, you see, hasn't had much luck with its North American phone efforts as of late -- they've made almost all of the now-dead Sidekick series, and the Kin... well, you know how that ended up working out.

BlackBerry Storm 3 detailed in training slide: same look, more RAM?

For those of you hoping that RIM could pull off a handset capable of challenging the incredibly slim and futuristic tree-borne Android handsets in the touchphone hardware arena, you'll have to dream past theStorm 3.

Apple's Magic Trackpad gets FCC approval?

We're admittedly using our Jump To Conclusions Mat a little bit here, but we're pretty sure Apple'sMagic Trackpad (or whatever they'll end up calling it) just got FCC approval -- and considering how tightly Apple usually manages its FCC dealings, this could mean it'll be announced as early as this week.

Who should I follow on Twitter? All about Microsoft

Welcome once again to "Who should I follow?" where we spend countless hours trolling Twitter finding the best and most knowledgeable peeps for our readers to follow. So, you love Microsoft. You really love Microsoft. You're in luck, then: we've searched high and low for anybody and everybody you should be following if Redmond is your thing.

ASUS' 23-inch VG236H 3D monitor gets reviewed: pricey, but a real looker

ASUS' VG236H was quietly announced back at CeBIT, but the 23-inch 3D monitor is just now getting around to making itself known to worldwide retailers.

Motorola's rugged i1 coming to Sprint: July 25 for $150 on contract

A solid four months after first seeing thing plastered across half of Las Vegas, Motorola's i1 finally has a date with Sprint.

Bloodhound SuperSonic Car gets a full-scale model ahead of land speed record attempt

If you've been busy wondering what a 1,000mph car might look like, here is your answer. A full-sized model of the Bloodhound SSC has been hammered together and is currently on show at the Farnborough International Air Show.

Seagate's FreeAgent GoFlex Home adds flexibility to your next NAS setup

Looks like Seagate's not content with giving users a choice of connector -- the outfit's latest GoFlex apparatus utilizes a docking system to give users an easier way to upgrade their NAS.

ASUS UL-series laptops surface at e-tailers with Core i3 ULV processor

If the pint-sized ASUS laptop above looks a wee bit familiar, it's because you've seen it before -- the 12-inch UL20FT is basically a refreshed UL20A, but with the surprisingly elusive Core i3 ULV guts.

AirTurn's BT-105 footpedal is a real page turner (video)

If you carry your sheet music in a laptop, AirTurn's got a USB dongle for that, but if you've migrated your musical cues to an certain slate, never fear, Bluetooth is on the way.

iPad hitting nine more countries this Friday

Apple has just let word out that it'll be bringing its super-selling slate to nine new markets. The Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand and Singapore are all getting their hands on the device this Friday, July 23.

Android versus iPhone live multiplayer gaming made possible in SGN's Skies of Glory

Shocking as this might sound, there are no only a few games in which iPhone and Android users can go at each other in live multiplayer mode. Exploiting this vast void is Social Gaming Network, whose Skies of Glory aerial dogfighting title has been ported to Android (2.0 and above) while retaining the ability to communicate with iOS devices over WiFi, 3G or Bluetooth connections.

Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo completes first flight with crew on board

It still has a few more key hurdles to cross, but it looks like Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo(a.k.a. the VSS Enterprise) is remaining on track for its first commercial flight sometime next year.

Transformable Wall-E gets recreated with some love, Lego and DIY skills (video)

Sure, you'll have seen Lego-based Wall-E imitators before, but few recreate both the cuteness and the basic functionality of the drone quite like this one here.

Tesla Roadster goes continent-hopping, expands markets to include Canada and Japan

Seems like reports of the Roadster's demise were indeed exaggerated. Tesla has announced it's bringing its iconic electric automobile to five new nations.

Sony restricts stereoscopic PS3 games to 720p 3D

Sorry, fellow gamers, we're out of luck if we want to play stereoscopic PS3 titles in their full high definition glory -- Joystiq reports that Sony guidelines won't allow for 1080p 3D. 

Intel's 3.2GHz hexacore i7-970 now shipping

Just this once, DigiTimes has turned out to be spot on with its prognostication. The six-core Core i7-970 rumor we heard earlier this month has now transmogrified into a retail product, and just as promised, it brings most of the goodies of the sublime i7-980X at a moderately more affordable $899 price point.

ASUS Mars 2 teases superpowered dual GeForce GTX 480 goodness

We'll be honest with you, we thought the GTX 480 was finally a graphics core too damn large and power-hungry to get the dual-GPU treatment. ASUS, however, is making us think again.

Entelligence: Five gadgets that could have and should have done better

Entelligence is a column by technology strategist and author Michael Gartenberg, a man whose desire for a delicious cup of coffee and a quality New York bagel is dwarfed only by his passion for tech. In these articles, he'll explore where our industry is and where it's going -- on both micro and macro levels -- with the unique wit and insight only he can provide.

For every VHS, it seems there's also a Betamax -- a gadgets or standard that just didn't live up to the expectations of the mass market at the time. Despite being loved by niche audiences, these folks just didn't have what it took to make it to the big time. Here I celebrate some of my favorite gadgets and technologies that just couldn't catch on with the populace at large. 

Verizon's LTE rollout is imminent, computers updated for 4G SIM cards

We just got some alleged (but very convincing) internal documents on Verizon's 4G plans, and it's mostly stuff we've already heard -- 5-12Mbps down, aircards before smartphones, and plans to roll out in 30 cities in 2010.

Zune Pass for UK gets briefly teased, priced?

If the above picture is to be believed, it looks like Microsoft's Zune Pass is gearing up to make its UK debut.

Raytheon's pain gun finally gets deployed in Afghanistan

It's been six long years since we first got wind of the Pentagon's Active Denial System, and four since it was slated to control riots in Iraq, but though we've seen reporters zapped by the device once or twice, it seems the Air Force-approved pain gun is only now entering service in Afghanistan.