Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lenovo Commits to LePad Android Tablet By End of LeYear

Lenovo Commits to LePad Android Tablet By End of LeYear
Lenovo's finally made a definitive statement on what they're doing in the mobile computing space, and they're going to finish the year differently than they started it: the Android-powered LePad is coming in the next few months.

In January Lenovo showed impressive ambition in mobile, promising both the Skylight smartbook and the U1 hybrid tablet/computer (pictured above). Both of those projects were shelved in May, partly so that Lenovo could rethink its platform strategy.
Which is why it's encouraging that with LePad, Lenovo has cleaved to Android from the start. It also pairs nicely with the Android LePhone smartphone, paving the way for a whole stable of LeProducts. Assuming, of course, it make it out of the development phase

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