Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sigma's mysterious SD15 DSLR finally ships to US, gets unboxed enthusiastically

We've all waited close to two years for this day to come, and now that it has, just a single question remains: "Does your credit card have the space?" Sigma's SD15 -- which is outfitted with a 14 megapixel Foveon X3 sensor, 3-inch LCD, True II processor, an ISO range from 50 to 3,200 extended) and support for SD / SDHC cards -- is now available to order on American soil. 

Better still, both B&H Photo and Adorama show the beast as "in stock" for just under a grand ($989, if we're counting), and the fine folks over at Akihabara Newshave managed to wrangle one for a glorious unboxing. Dig into those links below if you're hungry for more, but don't blame us if you come away a fair bit poorer.

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